eCommerce performance marketing is constantly evolving. We created this assessment tool to give eCommerce professionals better insight into the effectiveness of their performance channels, with special emphasis on paid advertising. The tool analyses where your business sits on the path to best-in-class. Then, it generates a personalised, interactive report which can be shared, benchmarking your brand against other eCommerce players.
How does your brand rank?
The eCommerce benchmarking tool looks at core areas eCommerce performance marketing: Marketing Planning, Marketing Activation, Accessibility, Search Engine Marketing, Facebook Ads, and Attribution. Discover how you compare against other eCommerce brands in the UK and US.

What does your action plan look like?
Not only does the tool act as a point of comparison, it also provides an action plan based on your unique inputs. Discover the key areas of development, next steps, and resources required to achieve best-in-class status.
Our eCommerce performance marketing maturity scale.
Your digital marketing has a lot of room for improvement. Performance channels are largely managed in silo, and effectiveness is reported on a largely campaign-by-campaign basis. Channel sophistication is baseline.
The path ahead looks promising. Performance channels are largely managed in silo, and effectiveness is reported on a largely campaign-by-campaign basis. Channel sophistication is intermediate, largely consisting of foundational targeting and creative elements, with some advanced elements utilised.
You're ahead of the curve. Campaigns are coordinated and integrated, and optimised cross-channel. You can confidently demonstrate the effectiveness of your overall digital marketing efforts, however there’s still a gap in understanding the full customer journey.
Campaigns are fully coordinated and integrated, and optimised cross-channel. Channels are fostering innovation, pushing the boundaries of best practice. You have full visibility into the customer journey - from initial impressions to loyalty, enabling you to extend customer lifetime value, improve marketing investments and influence product development.
This in-depth assessment takes around 10 minutes to complete.
Participating DTC eCommerce Brands

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Mastering Facebook Ads
I’m looking for best-practice inspiration around Facebook Ads in retail, travel or finance. I want to understand how popular brands master customer acquisition.
eCommerce Customer Persona Generator
I want to understand who my target customers are and how to reach them. I want to create a customer persona to help inform my targeting and creative.
eCommerce Marketing Maturity Test
I want to compare my eCommerce performance marketing maturity with other DTC brands. I want to create my roadmap to best-in-class digital maturity.