How to Use Perplexity AI To Find Beauty Keywords for Beauty Brand SEO


Keyword targeting is essential for beauty brands aiming to boost SEO. However, beauty trends change rapidly, pushed by influencers, hashtags and new products daily. However, excelling at beauty SEO requires more than just pulling beauty keywords from thin air or an outdated database. Beauty trends evolve rapidly, pushed by influencer videos, viral hashtags, and new product drops almost daily. Relying solely on guesswork fails to capture high-potential opportunities rooted in these real-time shifts.

Perplexity, an AI-powered keyword tool, solves this issue. It uses natural language processing to uncover fresh, valuable query combinations by analyzing the latest beauty data – blogs, forums, reviews, social media. The tool’s algorithms work 24/7 to surface valuable query combinations that traditional keyword tools simply cannot match. This empowers beauty brands to peer into the minds of beauty consumers and tailor content accordingly, fulfilling informational needs while organically driving product discovery.

Let’s explore how beauty brands can harness Perplexity to amplify organic search performance through savvy keyword targeting.

Step-by-Step Guide


. Identify Broad Beauty Topics

The first step in keyword discovery for beauty involves identifying broad beauty topics that resonate with your target audience. This crucial initial phase lays the groundwork for a successful beauty SEO strategy, ensuring that your content aligns with the actual queries and needs of beauty consumers searching for advice.

  1. List out the broad categories within the beauty industry that are relevant to your brand, such as skincare, makeup, haircare, and wellness. This ensures that you cover the full spectrum of interests of your target audience, helping to capture a wide range of search queries.
  2. Log into using prompts related to these broad categories. For skincare, you might ask: “What are the most common concerns people have about skincare?”. can provide insights into the questions and topics that real people are interested in, which may not be immediately obvious even to experienced marketers.
  3. Analyze the responses to identify recurring themes, concerns, or specific terms that people use when discussing each category.
  4. Document the broad topics and specific questions identified from the responses. Use a spreadsheet or keyword planning tool to organize these findings. Keeping an organized record of your findings simplifies the process of keyword categorization and content planning later on.
Expert Tip
Harpal Singh

During this initial step, use prompts such as:

  • Skincare Prompt: “What are the top questions people ask about skincare routines?”
  • Makeup Prompt: “What are common concerns people have with makeup application?”
  • Haircare Prompt: “What haircare advice do people seek for different hair types?”
  • Wellness Prompt: “What are popular wellness trends in beauty routines?”

. Explore Niche Topics

After laying the groundwork with broad beauty topics, the next step in choosing beauty keywords for SEO is to drill down into niche topics. This phase is all about specificity and relevance, focusing on the unique interests and detailed queries of your audience. By exploring niche topics, you can uncover a wealth of targeted, long-tail keywords that are less competitive but highly relevant to a specific segment of your audience.

  • List potential niche areas within your broad categories. For example, within skincare, niches could include organic skincare, anti-aging solutions, or skincare for sensitive skin.
  • Use with prompts tailored to uncovering niche topics, such as: “What are the latest trends in anti-aging skincare products?”. can provide insights into emerging trends, popular products, or specific concerns within each niche, which might not be evident through traditional keyword research tools.
  • Analyze the responses to identify mentioned products, ingredients, trends, or specific concerns that are gaining traction.
  • Document these insights, focusing on keywords and phrases that are directly related to the niche topics.
  • Prioritize niche topics based on their relevance to your brand and the level of interest (search volume, competitiveness) they present.
Expert Tip
Harpal Singh

Some good prompts to use here might be:

  • “Can you list recent breakthroughs in organic skincare formulations?”
  • “What are the latest developments in vegan makeup products?”
  • “What eco-friendly practices are becoming popular in haircare?”
  • “How is the wellness trend influencing beauty routines?”
  • “What new technologies are being used in skincare treatments?”
  • “What defines ‘clean beauty’ in the current market, and what are consumers looking for?”
  • “What are the emerging trends in men’s grooming and skincare?”
  • “What DIY beauty product recipes are gaining popularity?”

. Gather Audience Queries

In the process of beauty keyword research, gathering audience queries is a critical step. It directly aligns your content with the specific queries and concerns of beauty consumers. Through understanding and responding to the intent behind these queries, your brand website becomes a relevant and authoritative source, which helps with enhancing visibility on the SERP, and bringing in the right type of visitors.

  • Prompt with specific prompts like: “What questions do people ask about using retinol in skincare routines?”. This directs your keyword research towards highly relevant and specific user concerns.
  • List all the questions provided. Look for patterns or frequently mentioned concerns in the questions. 
  • Decide which questions are asked most frequently and which ones most closely align with your focus.
  • Use these questions to guide the creation of new content, such as blog posts, FAQs, or even product pages.
Expert Tip
Harpal Singh

Appropriate prompts for this part of the process may include:

  • “What are common concerns people have when starting retinol in their skincare routines?”
  • “What questions do consumers have about the differences between mineral and chemical sunscreens?”
  • “What do people want to know about incorporating hyaluronic acid into their skincare routine?”
  • “What concerns do users have about switching to sulfate-free shampoos?”
  • “What questions do people ask when considering natural deodorants over traditional ones?”
  • “What are the most common questions about the benefits and selection of vegan beauty products?”

. Set Up Your Keyword Spreadsheet

After gathering your initial keywords and topics from, it’s time to organize them.

  • Open your preferred spreadsheet software (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets) and create a new document.
  • Set up columns for each critical piece of information: keyword, search volume, keyword difficulty (KD), user intent (informational, transactional, etc.), and content type (blog post, video, product page). These categories will help you analyze keywords from multiple angles, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of their potential impact.
  • Fill in the spreadsheet with keywords identified during your research, including metrics like search volume and KD obtained from SEO tools (e.g. Ahrefs, SEMrush). Documenting this data in one place simplifies the process of selecting the right beauty keywords for your content strategy.
  • Expand your initial keyword list by looking for related terms or phrases suggested by these tools. Look for promising keyword variations with good search volume (i.e. above 500 searches per month) and low-medium competition (i.e. below Ahrefs Keyword Difficulty 40). Remember to set your target country in each platform when running reports to align recommendations to your audience’s location.
  • Use additional columns or color coding to group keywords by topic (e.g. skincare, makeup) and tag them by priority or campaign. This organization aids in visualizing your strategy, making it easier to identify which keywords to focus on for different content pieces.
Expert Tip
Harpal Singh

The organization of your keyword research into a spreadsheet is more than a clerical task; it’s a strategic action that significantly enhances your SEO workflow:

  • Efficiency: A well-organized spreadsheet saves time and effort in the long run by providing quick access to key data needed for decision-making.
  • Strategic Planning: It facilitates a strategic approach to content creation and optimization, allowing you to easily communicate your research and overall plan with others.
  • Performance Tracking: With all keyword data in one place, it’s easier to track the performance of your content and adjust your strategy based on what’s working.

. Use Ahrefs for Research

Now, take the broad and niche keywords you’ve discovered with and input them into Ahrefs to expand and validate your keyword list. Ahrefs will provide you with search volume, keyword difficulty, and related keywords, which are essential for your spreadsheet.

  • Log in to your Ahrefs account and navigate to the Keyword Explorer tool.
  • Enter the list of keywords you’ve gathered from your initial research into the search bar. You can input them one at a time or in bulk to analyze multiple keywords simultaneously. Analyzing these keywords allows you to understand their potential traffic, competition level, and relevance to your target audience.
  • Review the detailed metrics provided for each keyword, focusing on search volume, keyword difficulty (KD), clicks, and the cost per click (CPC) if applicable.
  • Look for promising keyword variations with good search volume (i.e. above 500 searches per month) and low-medium competition (i.e. below Ahrefs Keyword Difficulty 40).
  • Remember to set your target country in each platform when running reports to align recommendations to your audience’s location.
  • Use the “Keyword Ideas” section to find related keywords, questions, and newly discovered keywords associated with your initial list.
  • Select keywords with a promising balance of high search volume and manageable keyword difficulty. Add these, along with their metrics, to your organized spreadsheet.

. Beauty Keywords Categorization

As you fill your spreadsheet with keywords from Ahrefs, categorize them based on the insights gained from your initial queries. This involves grouping them by topic (e.g. skincare routines, makeup tips, retinol) and intent (informational, transactional).

  • Review your keyword list and begin grouping keywords according to the main beauty topics they represent, such as skincare, makeup, haircare etc. This helps in organizing your content creation efforts (later on) around major themes.
  • Determine the user’s intent for each keyword – is the searcher looking for information (informational), trying to make a purchase (transactional), or something else? Understanding the intent behind the search is a critical step, if you’re to create content that resonates with your beauty audience.
  • Align each keyword group with a specific content type that best serves the keyword’s intent, such as blog posts for informational keywords, product pages for transactional keywords, and tutorials for “how-to” queries.
  • Identify and tag keywords that are associated with seasonal trends or specific events, like “summer skincare tips” or “holiday makeup looks”.
Expert Tip
Harpal Singh

Keyword categorization plays an important role in the success of your SEO and content strategy for several reasons:

  • Enhanced Content Relevance: By organizing keywords around specific topics and user intent categories, you ensure that your content closely matches what your audience is searching for.
  • Strategic Content Planning: Clear keyword clusters make it easier to plan a diverse and balanced content calendar that addresses a wide range of user interests.
  • Improved User Experience: Tailoring content types to the intent behind each keyword group helps to improve the overall user experience, encouraging longer site visits and higher conversion rates.

Expert Q&A

12 Responses

    1. Keyword discovery should be an ongoing process. Regularly scheduled sessions (e.g. quarterly or biannually) can help you catch new trends, changes in consumer behavior, and emerging products or topics in the beauty industry.

    1. Besides and Ahrefs, several other tools can enhance your keyword research process, including Google Keyword Planner (for search volume data and trends), SEMrush (for competitive analysis and keyword suggestions), and Moz Keyword Explorer (for keyword suggestions and SERP analysis). Social listening tools like BuzzSumo can also help to reveal trending topics in the beauty industry.

    1. To determine user intent, analyze the keyword context and the type of content that ranks for it on search engine results pages (SERPs). Generally, if a keyword triggers how-to guides, articles, or blog posts, the intent is informational. If product pages or shopping categories rank high, the intent is transactional. Query modifiers like “buy,” “how to,” “review,” or “best” can also indicate the user’s intent.

    1. Start by grouping keywords based on their thematic relevance (e.g., skincare, makeup tutorials). Then, categorize them by intent (informational, transactional, etc.) and content type (blog post, product review). Using color coding or tags can help visualize these categories. Consider creating separate tabs or sections in your spreadsheet for different categories for easier management.

    1. For highly competitive keywords, focus on creating high-quality, unique content that offers value beyond what’s currently ranking on the SERP. Consider targeting long-tail keywords that are less competitive but still relevant. Building a strong backlink profile and enhancing your site’s overall SEO (speed, mobile optimization, user experience) can also improve your competitiveness.

    1. Measure success by tracking changes in your website’s organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates over time. Tools like Google Search Console and Ahrefs can provide insights into traffic trends and keyword performance.

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  • In addition to using, explore question-based platforms like Quora, Reddit, and beauty forums to find out what real users are asking about. This can provide additional insights into your keyword research.
  • Use social media platforms and hashtag trends to discover what topics are currently popular in the beauty community.
  • Look at your competitors’ websites and see what topics they are covering. Use tools like Ahrefs to uncover their top-performing keywords and content, which can inspire your keyword discovery process.
  • At the bottom of Google’s search results page, check the “Related searches” section for additional keyword ideas that are related to your initial search terms.
  • Focus on long-tail keywords that are more specific and less competitive. These can attract more targeted traffic and have a higher conversion rate.
  • Use SEO tools that allow you to import data directly into your spreadsheet, saving time on manual entry. Tools like Ahrefs can export keyword data directly to a CSV file, which can then be imported into your spreadsheet.
  • In your spreadsheet, apply conditional formatting to quickly visualize high-opportunity keywords. For example, you could highlight keywords with high search volume but low competition in green.
  • Develop a system to prioritize keywords based on a combination of factors, such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and relevance to your brand. This can help focus your efforts on the most impactful keywords.
  • Add a column to your spreadsheet to track the current ranking of your website for each keyword. This will help you measure progress over time and adjust your strategy as needed.
  • Don’t choose keywords without digging into search volume and difficulty first.
  • Don’t focus solely on commercial purchase-driven keywords. Include some informational keywords too to attract visitors throughout the buying journey.

Case Study

Enhancing SEO for a 7 figure skincare brand – a journey from organic obscurity to industry authority.


The brand a fledgling online beauty retailer specializing in organic skincare and cruelty-free makeup products, struggled to gain visibility and attract traffic amidst the saturated digital beauty market. Despite a mix of high-quality products and strong word-of-mouth, their website remained buried on the second page of Google search results, invisible to their target audience.


The primary goal was to enhance their organic search presence – increase organic traffic and improve search engine rankings for targeted keywords related to organic skincare and cruelty-free makeup. The strategy focused on leveraging AI generative practices, from initial keyword discovery to content optimization.

Process Overview

1. Initial Keyword Discovery
  • Action Taken: The team utilized to identify broad topics within the organic skincare and cruelty-free makeup niche. Queries like “What are the most common concerns about organic skincare?” provided insights into consumer interests.
  • Outcome: A comprehensive list of broad and niche keywords, including “best organic moisturizers,” “cruelty-free makeup brands,” and “organic skincare routines.”
2. Keyword Ideas Sheet Generation
  • Action Taken: A detailed spreadsheet was created, categorizing keywords by search volume, difficulty, and user intent. Ahrefs helped validate and expand the list, revealing gaps in the market.
  • Outcome: An actionable keyword ideas sheet with prioritized keywords for content creation, segmented into various tabs based on user intent.
3. Content Generation Strategy
  • Action Taken: Based on the identified keywords, the band designed a content calendar aligning with user intent. Informative blog posts were planned for informational queries, while product reviews targeted transactional queries.
  • Outcome: A diverse array of content that addressed specific user questions, improved site engagement, and increased time on site.


  • Increased Organic Traffic: Within six months, the brand saw a 70% increase in organic traffic, with significant improvements in both new and returning visitors.
  • Improved SERP Rankings: Targeted keywords moved from the second page to the top 5 search results on Google, with “best organic moisturizers” securing a spot in the coveted top 3.
  • Higher Engagement and Conversion Rates: The alignment of content with user intent led to a 40% increase in page views per session and a 25% increase in conversion rates for products featured in blog posts and reviews.

Key Takeaways

  • Keyword Relevance and Intent Matching: Identifying and targeting the right keywords based on user intent was crucial for attracting qualified traffic and improving search rankings.
  • Content Quality and SEO Optimization: High-quality, engaging content optimized for both users and search engines was key to surpassing competitors in SERP rankings.
  • Continuous Analysis and Adaptation: Regularly reviewing and updating the keyword sheet and content strategy in response to market trends and performance analytics ensured sustained growth.

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